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You do not have to tell anyone if you don't want to. If you are happy and enjoying who you are then why tell people. Then again if you want to tell someone then tell your girlfriend or boyfriend for starters.

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Q: Who should you tell that im bi first?
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Your best friend is a lesbian and loves you what would you do?

Have u tried talking to her? I suggest u do that first. If my friend was a lasbian and was in love with me I would talk to her. In my case Im bi so if I liked her back I would date her but if I didn't I would tell her that I didn't see her that way and we should just stay friends. If I wasn't bi I would tell her Im sorry I don't like girls and I can't be with her.

How do you tell if im bi?

Means you are sexually and romatically attracted to both males and females.

How do you tell your parents im bi?

Well, first you need to trust yourself and just tell them. Surely they will understand. It's going to be hard for them at first, and it could potentially turn into a emotional rollercoaster, but sooner or later they will learn to deal with it!

What should I do if im bi and I may be dating a some one of the same sex this summer but my friends are super-christian do I tell them?

If they are your true friends they will understand, so tell them because they would be more upset if they found out about it and you didn't tell them. Do you think i should wait till the summer or tell them now? Tell them when you are ready.

I have a girlfriend that ive been dating for 6months longest relationship ive ever had but i dont know if i love her and i think im bi but dont want to admit it cause my dad is such a homophobe?

If you love her then i think you should tell her the truth and tell her that you are bi, but also tell her that you love her.And that will take so much weight off your shoulders. And your dad should just love you for who you are, and not who he wants you to be.

Im bi but how do I come out to my parents?

just tell them because if they love u ( witch they do) they wiil understand

What is the best way to make a guy hard over im?

Tell them about your bi curious detail.EVERYTIME...EVERYTIME!!

How do you tell your mates im bi?

You can tell your mate that you are bi in a quiet and comfortable location. You can begin the conversation by telling them that you have something important to talk to them about. Be prepared for them to possible get upset, try and stay calm and let them know exactly how you feel.

How do you tell your mother you are a lesbian?

Look hey,Im bi and i told my mom and im only 12. Look dont be ashamed of what you are! You should have pride of what you are. Raibowz ;3 o.o well you get my point right?

Should you tell your straight friends that you are bisexual?

yes,if they are your real friends they should still care and except who you are. im bi and i told my closest friend who's straight and i was afraid of what shed say but she said she loves me even more now because i told her and im not keeping anything from her also, if you are not comfortable with telling people then dont! ive only told that one person and im just waiting for the right time to tell others

I have a friend who acts very gay around me and im bi but no one knows should i try a make a move with him?


Is there a quiz to tell if you are gay or bi?

Sexual orientation is personal and cannot be determined by a quiz. It is based on who you are attracted to emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually. Embrace your feelings and seek support if needed.