A woman who is pregnant should never use a laxative. Neither should anyone who is experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.
You should NOT take laxatives to lose weight as it is dangerous to your health. You don't lose fat by taking them, but you do lose valuable fluids and essential nutrients.
Take laxatives to increase and soften stool and bowl movements
Of course it is, if it is ok with your PCP and other physicians, if you follow instructions carefully, and if you do not become dependent on them. Your physicians should know about otc laxatives that you take, and about how you take them (frequency, dose, etc).
It is all right to take laxatives when you are having your period.
It depends on the person, some might not take any laxatives, and some might take way too many.
Laxatives are not effective for weight loss, if anything it will harm you. It is not safe to use laxatives, you should use a diet or exercise and also see a doctor.
You shouldn't eat for a while, because the laxatives will be trying to rid your body of whatever food and substance it has in the stomach. Eating soon after taking the laxatives would only complicate the process, and possibly make it more painful.
While laxatives are a good choice in bowel medication when the patient suffers from constipation, you should consult your doctor before using Jihad laxatives.
Not the mild ones but you should always consult your doctor before taking any new meds.
You will deydrate...