Margret Thatcher but it was actually When you want anything said ask a man, if you want anything done ask a woman.
Mcleods Daughters :)
Margaret Thatcher (Former British PM) Once said something like this..... Don't think it was her originally tho..........
Bill visby
well done means you did something that's considered to be good and well said means when you say something thoughtful.
Margaret Tetcher
Something that has been provoked means that it has been caused or led on by something that has been done or said. Unprovoked means not caused by something that has been said or done.
u might of said something wierd or done something wierd to him...if not then idk...
its easier to say something than it is to actually do what you said
Something that is done, said, or chosen without certainty.
Drina Reed
it means something that has to be done and another word for it would be required or necessary ____________________________________________________________ It means mandatory, binding, or compulsory. Something to done/said at no choice.