who profited most from the union of slavery and cotton production
Human Trafficking/ Slavery?
the tabbaco crops and even more so when the law passed that lifelong black slavery was okay
To get big profits, to maintain slavery -i. e. get work force free.
Profit, profit and profit.
It was a matter of commerce and profit, shipping Cargocreated employment and profit.
Slavery is illegal so the profit would be zero.
For the selfish profit and personal gain.
Slavery. :3
Slavery as an institution in the America's was created for profit. It was deemed to be a cheaper solution then to pay wages to free men.
To get free labor and for big selling profit. Slavery is still an issue today, even in the USA.
Portugal; slavery
Portugal; slavery
Human Trafficking/ Slavery?
Free labor lowers business costs and increases profit.
The South was for slavery because it brought in free workers and a lot of profit for the slave owners. On the other hand, the North had no reason to have slaves, so they tried to abolish slavery and ended up succeeding.