Sporting Arms Mfg. Littlefield TX & their phone number has been disconnected
The Snake Charmer in 410 & stainless steel only is being currently (2010) manufactured by EAA. You can find the at Ellett Bro or RSR if you are a dealer.
165 or so
Rossi makes a copy of the snake charmer in blue or stainless. Lots of Rossi dealers.
Trry Numrich or
$100-150 Good gun,small light and packs a punch.
what is the price on snake chamer 410 shotgun serial number 49796 has not been shot and is stainless steel
100-300 or so
A snake charmer is shot gun. It is.410 single shot. It is about four pounds and very small. It cost around 160$. Very cool.
Hoosier Gun Works in KY
Oh, dude, the value of a 410 snake charmer can vary depending on factors like condition, age, and brand. But, like, generally speaking, you're looking at anywhere from $200 to $500 for a decent one. Just make sure it's not actually a snake charmer – those are way harder to come by.
NO. Unlike the Judge and similar dual caliber handguns, the snake charmer was made for .410 shells ONLY. Bore diameter is too small. It MAY fire a time or two, but the pressures will be greater than the gun was designed for. Eventually it will fail, hurting you.
It it is so marked and the owner's manual says so.
To my knowledge a pistol grip was never made for the Snake Charmer, I think it has something to do with it being considered a sawed off or something like that, If you wanted to put a pistol grip on it you'd have to shorten the barrel to pistol length. (Which you would have to do anyways to fire it like a pistol) I personally just cut the unwanted stock off, sawed the barrel shorter, and then fiber-glassed over the grip to smooth it out and make it comfortable. Instead of defacing your Snake Charmer, you really might be further ahead buying a Taurus .45/.410 or any of the Bond Arms derringers chambered in .410.