Your Montgomery Wards Model 550ABD was made by the firm Mossberg and Sons.The Mossberg model 500 and your shotgun are one and the same.
A Western-Field M550 AB Slugster is worth from $ 175 - $ 225 depending on its function and condition. It has little or NO collector Value. This based on the value of a Mossberg 12 GA 500AB of which the Western- Field is a lower grade derivitive manufactured by Mossberg for SEARS. March, 2008
A Western-Field M550 AB Slugster is worth from $ 175 - $ 225 depending on its function and condition. It has little or NO collector Value. This based on the value of a Mossberg 12 GA 500AB of which the Western- Field is a lower grade derivitive manufactured by Mossberg for SEARS. March, 2008
I bought one new in 1973 I bought one new in 1973
I bought on in fair condition for $175.
who made montgomery wards bolt action 20 ga shotgun with a clip.
Your shotgun was made by the firm Mossburg and Sons.The Mossberg model 550AB is the same as your shotgun.
The shotguns were made for Montgomery Wards(Western field) by Mossberg and Sons.They are the Mossberg model 500 shotgun.Your shotgun was available in the early 1970,s from wards.The value will be from 85-175 dollars,depending on overall condition.
Your westernfield 12ga shotgun is actually a mossberg model 500M.These shotguns were made for montgomery wards(westerfield).these shotguns usually range in price from 75-150 dollars depending on the overall condition of your shotgun.
The western field model 550 shotgun was made for Montgomery Wards(Western field) by the Mossberg firearms company.The Mossberg model 500 is the same shotgun as yours.The Mossberg model 500 was produced from 1962-1998.I believe that Montgomery Wards went out of business in 1984.If you want to get a more accurate date of manufacture,contact Mossberg at their web site,or you can contact them at O.F.Mossberg and sons Inc.the phone number is 203-230-5300.
You will need to include the model number to your shotgun,so a answer may be provided.
the thing hold the barrel to the pump