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Q: Who manufactured the white powder wonder shotgun?
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Who made the White Powder Wonder shotgun?

Stevens Arms.

How would you find the value of a White Powder Wonder Shotgun?

WWhite Powder Wonders was a trade name and were manufactured by Stevens. The value would be that of a shooter. Comparable to the value of other shooters made for western Auto and Sears White Powder Wonder: Trade name used by Albert Aubrey of Meriden, Connecticut on shotguns made for the Sears, Roebuck and Company of Chicago.

What is the value of the New White Powder Wonder shotgun?

$50-$75 if it is a single shot, $150-$250 if it is a double barrel.

When was the whiteposder wonder made?

The White Powder Wonder shotguns were made before World War II.

How is stevia powder manufactured?

Stevia power is manufactured and produced by the Japanese. It is a liquid extract turned into a white powder form from the stevia leaf then blended with other fillers.

What is the value of a 1921 White Powder Wonder 30 gauge shotgun?

Another example of a hardware-store catalog gun, this one probably retailed by Sears. Value tops out under $100.

You have single shot 12 gauge shotgun it has no serial number and no brand name on it anywhere it does have an engraved message on the side The New White Powder Wonder can anyone tell you who made it?

Guns with the name New White Powder Wonder were made by the Crescent Fire Arms Company, W.H. Davenport Arms, Meridian Fire Arms Company or Stevens Arms & Tool Company. They were made for and sold by Sears Roebuck & Company.

What years did sears sell white powder wonder shot guns?

1935 1940

What is the value of a white powder wonder shot gun?

@ 100 USD depending on conditon.

Who made a single barrel shotgun marked White Powder Wonder and what is it worth?

The White Powder Wonder was made for Sears Roebuck by several manufacturers. Take your pick: * Crescent Fire Arms Co * W. H. Davenport Arms Co. * Meriden Fire Arms Co. * J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. Value for a single shot is $35 to $75 unless it is just like it came from the factory or a basket case.

What is a 12 gauge white powder shotgun from 1880 worth?

50-100 USD or so

How much is a White Powder Wonder 20 gauge made on August 12 1913 worth?
