Ruger made a Deerfield rifle, Ithaca made a Deerslayer shotgun.
Nobel made the Deerfield shotgun line until 1971. Very few parts available and what is available is through Numrich. Value would be something like 175 in very good condition due to the parts problem.
No winchester makes a model 1300 shotgun.
Made by Noble, sold by KMart, decent shotgun, about $150, depending on condition.
Winchester made a Model 1887 lever-action shotgun from 1887 - 1899. Norinco currently makes a reproduction of the Model 1887.
who makes the westernfield 12ga shotgun model m505a
Your winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by winchester in 1927.That makes your shotgun 84 years old.
Remington makes a model which does.
Remington makes a model which does.
75 to 100 depending. On conditions
No manufacturer at the present time produces a Carolina model.
who makes the westernfield model m550a 12ga shotgun
This is the same as a Superposed model shotgun. Introduced in 1931, Browning still makes these in Belgium.