

Best Answer

D and G or D&G is a common abbreviation for the luxury brand Dolce and Gabbana.

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Q: Who make D and G watches?
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Watches beginning with g?

The best brand of watches beginning with g is G-Shock

What are the guitar chords for double take by Ross Lynch?

Double Take- Ross Lynch Capo 1st Fret G A Flip a switch D C Turn up the lightning G A D Get it right G D Em Show 'em how it's done A D Free it up Cadd9 A D A No matter how you dress that song G C E D Girl you know you got a number one G A D Go with it G G A D Em You got 'em where you want 'em D A Drop the beat G D A They need to hear your sound Cadd9 A D Play it up D A G Em G G G It's coming down to you right now G A A A They wanna know know know C A A A Your name name name G A A A They want the girl girl girl Cadd9 D D D With game game game G A D D D And when they look look look C A A A Your way way way G A D A D Your gonna make (make) make (make) A G Em Make 'em do a double take G D A A A They wanna know know know G A A A Your name name name G D A A A They want the girl girl girl G A A A With game game game G C A A A And when they look look look G A A A Your way way way G A D A D Your gonna make (make) make (make) G D G Em Make 'em do a double take

What are the notes for waybuloo?

D, G, G, G, G, F, E, C.... G, A, C.., D, D, D, D, C, G.... C, D, D, D, D, C, E, D, D, D, C C, G, G, G, G, E, G, A.... G, G, A, C, A, G, E D, G, A, C..., D, D, D, D, C, G.... C, C, C, C, B, D.... D-E-F (trill), G, G, G, G, E, G, A... G, G, A, C, A, G, E, D G, A, C..., D, D, D, D, E, E, D, D, D, C C, G, G, G, G, E, G, A C, D, D, D, E, D, G, G, G, G, F, E, C... ________________ You should be able to make sense of my notes if you know the tune.

What is the difference between a g shock and a baby g shock watches?

baby g is different from a g shock because of the design that the watch has. they might have totally different colors than regular g shock watches but the regular g shock watches have a wider selection to choose from.

Are G-shock watches good watches?

yes, yes they do. They even have silicone G shock watches that are becoming a hi

Do aqua star make g shock watches?

No if the watch doesnt say Casio at the top its Fake

What are the piano chords for Eric prydz-pjanoo?

RH4|A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--| RH4|g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--| RH4|A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--A-A-a-a-g--g-g--| RH4|g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--g-g-f-f-d--d-d--| LH3|g-g-f-f-D--D-D--D-D-f-f-c--c-c--c-c-d-d-D--D-D--D-D-f-f-g--g-g--| LH2|g-g-f-f-D--D-D--D-D-f-f-c--c-c--c-c-d-d-D--D-D--D-D-f-f-g--g-g--|

How many words can you make with the letters g g n d a e?

Words that can be made with the letters 'g g n d a e' are:aadageananddeandenendgadgangnag

What three notes make g major?

The 'G' Major chord is 'G','D','B'

How do you play hot and cold on the recorder?

B b g a a g a a g e d b b g a a g a a g e d b b g a a g a a g e d d b g a g a g e a a g g g g d g g g g d a a b e d a a b e d g g g g d g g g d a a b e d a a b e b b b b b b a a a a a a a a g e d d g g g g d g g g g d a a b e d a a b e b b g a a g a g e d d b g a a g a a g e d d b b g a a g a a g e d d b b g a a g a a g e d d b g a g a g a g e a a g g g g d g g g g d a a b e d g g d g d g g g g d a a b e d a a b e b b b b b b a a a a a a a a g e d d g g g g d g g g g d a a b e d a a b e

What words can you make with the letters g g a r e d?


What three notes make up g major?

G , B and D