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The Browning M2 was first fielded in 1921 - some 12 years before the British fielded their Vickers .50 machine gun, and some 17 years before the Soviets fielded the DsHK machine gun.

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Q: Who made the first 50 cal machine gun?
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How many guns did the Sherman tank have?

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Where was the first machine gun made?

The first true machine gun was invented by Hiram Maxim in the United Kingdom.

When was the first butler 22 cal gun made?

No published data

What is the world's most powerful light machine gun mmg medium machine gun and hmg heavy machine gun?

light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun

What was the first machine gun ever made?

The first was the gatling gun invented in 1862

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50 cal. machine gun. i don't know who decided to use it.

What is the most powerful submachine gun?

If you are referring to the present, today's most powerful sub-machine gun is the H&K UMP .45 cal sub-machine gun, or the Kriss Vector SMG. if you are referring to the past however then its undeniably the Tommy Gun. also a .45 cal sub-machine gun.

When was the first machine gun made?

The stick magazine fed hand cranked gatling gun was probably the first machine gun produced.These were in use around 1875-1880.

Who is the real person who made the first machine gun?


Who designed the 50 cal machine gun?

John Moses Browning

What is a 50 cal round with silver paint on the tip?

The .50 cal Browning Machine Gun cartridge made for the US military with a silver painted tip is Armor Piercing Incendiary

How far will a .50 cal machine gun bullet travel?

7400 meters.