Impossible to answer without a detailed description of ALL markings. Hereter's had various makers make the weapons they "branded" with their name.
It was manufatured by Fuji Arms in Japan
acp model
no colt made the 1902 pistol
Chances are it's a 62" bow, made in November of 1967 and was the 13th of that model that year.
Yes, they made that model
french made nice pistol
Between 1921 and 1982, MAB made several pistol models in .25: model A vest pocket pistol model B vest pocket pistol model E pocket pistol model GZ pocket pistol (actually made under license by Spanish gunmaker Echasa, as MAB Espanola) The value will depend on which model it is, which version of that model, and condition. Since 2010, the range for the above pistols is about $50 - $300.
No such model made by Browning.
Model 177 Bullseye Target pistol They were made between 1957-1978
They were made between 1963 to 1976