I am pretty sure that it is modeled after the mosberg. That is how i order parts for mine.
100 or so
Savage Stevens
savage made this model,orig model is a 77
Coast to Coast Model 267 20 gauge according to Proohouse.com is the Savage model 77; however it looks like a Remington 870 clone to me. Ron Montgomery rgmont@verizon.net
Spiegel Inc. It was a Sears brand
Winchester did not make a model 810 wingmaster shotgun.Remington made a model 870 Wingmaster shotgun,is this what you are asking about?
Bare in good condition, $100 - $200. Fixed up, $250 - $350
Actually the shotgun uses 16 gauge shells i have the same shotgun
I have a 12 gauge savage 180-D shotgun but it has no clip, and I can't find much about this gun. If anybody could tell me how or where to get a clip, it would greatly help.
It was made by Savage for Coast to Coast. It is a Savage Model 58.