Springfield made a 20ga trapdoor called the Foragers. There is a 12ga trapdoor out there called the "Zulu Snyder". They were converted French Mle 1857 percussion rifles converted to an 1867 breech loader and then converted into a smooth bore 12 ga.
What is the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in 1970?
your model 12 Winchester shotgun was made in 1924.
A shotgun with a 12 gauge bore. Gun gauge is an old traditional measurement derived from the number of balls of the size to fit the gun that can be made from one pound of lead. A 12 gauge shotgun will have a bore of .729 inch (18.53 mm).
If you have a Browning auto-5 shotgun in 12 gauge it was made in the year 1925.If it is a 16 gauge shotgun,then it was made in the year 1929.
Shotgun made by Browning.
Your winchester model 12 shotgun was made by winchester in 1937.
If your shotgun is in 12 gauge,then it was made in the year 1922.If it is a 16 gauge shotgun,then it was made in the year 1927.
what is a revalation 12 gauge auto worth in poor condition
87 years old.If you have a 12 gauge shotgun then it was made in 1906,if your shotgun is a 16 gauge,then it was made in the year 1919.
If your shotgun is chambered in 12 gauge,then your shotgun was made in the year 1913.If your shotgun is a 16 gauge model,then it was made in the year 1926.
If you are asking if Winchester made a Ranger model 120/12 gauge shotgun,then the answer is yes.It was the economy version of the model 1200 shotgun which was made from 1964-1981.
Yes. The Mossberg 500A1 is a .12 gauge shotgun.