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Cooey made the sure shot but was bought out by Winchester so its a Winchester cooey manufacture

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Q: Who made Sure Shot 22 bolt action single shot rifle?
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Need info on a sure shot 22cal bolt action single shot?

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Not sure how long ago this question was posted, but the Hawthorne Sentry rifles were actually made by Colt Firearms Co for Sears and is the same as the Colt "Colteer" 1-22. Cold marketed both a single shot rifle and semi auto rifle that were named Colteer. There is some discussion as to whether COLT firearms actually manufactured these rifles themselves or had the manufacture vended out to a company named Kodiak. In any event, it is a clone of the Colt Colteer. A good rifle for it's intended market, a basic single shot "Boy's" rifle, and made in the late 1950's.

How do you take a bolt action of a 22 rifle?

For MOST- make sure rifle is unloaded. Open bolt, draw to the rear. Press and HOLD trigger, and slide the bolt out of the rifle.

What is the value of a central arms company sure shot 22 pump rifle N826?

25-125 usd

Where do you find info on a sure shot 22 bolt action repeater?

BLue Book of Gun values

What years was the Stevens Savage Arms Model 89 - 22 Long Rifle manufactured?

This lever action .22cal rifle was first made in the year 1976.I am not sure when it was discontinued.