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The story begins in 1816 with Eliphalet Remington II, Remington has a history page on their site.

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Q: Who made Remingtons?
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When did The Remingtons end?

The Remingtons ended in 1993.

When was The Remingtons created?

The Remingtons was created in 1991.

Who made the ward western field?

It could possably be made by remington.They made the model 600ERI 12ga for westernfield(montgomery wards).These remingtons were the remington model 57.

Who made the ward's western field 600A?

It could possably be made by remington.They made the model 600ERI 12ga for westernfield(montgomery wards).These remingtons were the remington model 57.

When were 20ga side by side remingtons made?

Only the newer side-by-side shotguns were made in 20 gauge so I believe you must be referring to a SPR2NN series. I believe they were introduced in 2006.

What is the value of Remingtons over and under 22 410?

Remington never made an over/under 22/410. This sounds like a Marble's game getter.

Have several old remingtons model and serials?

Is there a question here?

What is value of rem 597 stamped made in Madison n.c.?

I am interested in learning more about the Madison stamped Remingtons. Please email me at Thanks Brad

What is the value of a Remingtons semi automatic nylon long rifle?


How do you take apart Remingtons model 742 rifle?

You can get a manual from Remington by going to their website

What was frederic remingtons mothers names?

Clara Bascom Sackrider; Remington was her married name.

When were serial no 50000 to 62000 model 34 Remingtons made?

They made ~160K of them from 1932-1935, if you have one in that range it's date code stamped on the barrel. You can look up this information on the Remington Society of America, see related links.