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Red Chieftain shotguns were made by Crescent Arms Arms Co and J Stevens Arms Co for the Supplee-Biddle Hardware Co.

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Q: Who made Red Chieftain Shot Guns?
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Who made the double barrel red chieftain shotgun?

The double barreled red chieftain of course!

What guns are named after animals?

I only know 3 guns that are named after Animals these are: Red Hawk Elephant Gun Snake shot

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He was never a king, just chieftain. At age 35.

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Guns N' Roses don't have a "red album". I would know, I know everything about them.

How do you mount a red dot sight on a bb gun?

Not economically feasible. Yes there are several Red dot sites made just for BB guns and rifles. As long as it has a mounting rail on the gun it will work.

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Dont get one :)

What is the difference between a red bull drink and a red bull shot?

the difference between the 2 is that the red bull shot has double the quanity of taurine and gurana in a little shot bottle and the can have the safe limit but with a bigger quanity

How many guns are there in red dead redemption?

Oh, absolutely. After all, "What is a game without guns?". In all seriousness, Red Dead Redemption is weapon-rich.Throughout the game you will get plenty of chances to shoot and get shot at by a multitude of devastating weapons, from revolvers and pistols, to rifles and shotguns, to scoped rifles and mounted guns.Here is a list of all the types of weapons you can acquire in Red Dead Redemption.RevolversPistolsShotgunsScoped RiflesRiflesRepeatersMelee (Fist & Hunting knife)Thrown weapons (Throwing knife, dynamite)

I have a r7 Quad driver made by Taylor need to know how to set to hit straight shot. Driver is set for draw shot now.?

Yellow weights in the middle and red ones on the outside sets it to nutural