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Your shotgun was made by MAVI di Salvinelli , Brescia, Gardone, VT, Italy and imported by Eagle Arms of New York, NY. Both of these firms are no longer in business.

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Q: Who made Eagle Arms side by side shotgun?
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i think eagle arms i have one its a fold up. but what i dont get is that it says V.T and Italy on the same side while the other side says eagle arms N.YAlso i found this website forum this might help

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The New England was a Sears trade name double barrel side by side hammer shotgun made by The Meriden Fire Arms Co., formerly A. Fryeberg, starting in 1905. The buttpad should have the Fryeberg eagle with no lettering in the scroll under the eagle. Everyone I've seen has had fluid steel barrels but I'm sure Damascus steel is also possible. None of these were nitro proofed so only black powder low velocity shells should be used if the gun is deemed shootable by a gunsmith.