

Best Answer

UNICEF is a branch of the United Nations that is involved with children's health and their rights.

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Blaze Welch

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3y ago
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Q: Who looks after children?
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Is there a homeless charity that looks for homeless children?

well yes children in need

Who looks after the children in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus Finch

Who looks after the children in Australian aboriginal culture?

the parents

What is a person who looks after babies and young children?

A childminder

What do you call a person who looks after children?

nanny or a childminder

Who looks after children's rights?

UNICEF is a branch of the United Nations that is involved with children's health and their rights.

Will Mario have children?

Well you See Mario will not have children because he is not Married and is smaller than he looks he is just a kid

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No, but it looks a lot like him..

What does a pedtiactric nurse do?

A pediatric nurse looks after children from birth to adolescence.

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Did lee van cleef have any children?

yes, and has a son that looks very much like him.

In The Canterbury Tales who frighten children with his looks?

The Summoner...:-) Jada Alexis Hinman