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Spartacus was the leader of the slave revolt against Rome.

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Q: Who led the slave revolt against Rome?
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Who led the second slave revolt against Rome?

Spartacus(Greek: Σπάρτακος, Spártakos; Latin: Spartacus[1]) he was the leader of the slave revolt against Rome i hope this helps.

Who are the group that led a revolt against the Romans?

nananananan msmEWJUH There were actually three major slave revolts against Rome, but the only leader's name that has come down to us is Spartacus. He was the leader of the last slave revolt.

Was Spartacus a Roman General during the Punic Wars?

No - he was an escaped slave who led a slave revolt against Rome.

What does the word spartacus mean?

Spartacus was s Thracian slave who led a revolt against Rome. Died 71Bc

Who led the slave revolt against plantation in 1831?

In Virginia, that was Nat Turner.

What did the gladiator Spartacus do in 73 BC?

Led a slave revolt

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turner led the slave revolt.

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What did Toussaint L' O uverture do?

he led the a slave revolt of haitians against the french

What is the most famous slave rebellion?

The slave rebellion led by the slave, Spartacus, against the might of Rome.

Who led the slave revolt in 1831?

Nat Turner led a slave revolt in 1831 which killed 57 whites.

Did Spartacus have a son?

It's possible, but its not known weather Spartacus had any children. All we know for certain about him is that he was an escaped gladiator who led a slave revolt against Rome. Anything else is speculation.