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'You want me to get this?' Jessica Tate was convicted of the murder of Peter Campbell but Chester later confesses to Peter's murder and is sent to prison.

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Q: Who killed peter Campbell On The Sitcom Soap?
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Why did chester tate kill peter Campbell on soap the tv comedy?

His wife was sleeping with him

Who was initially found guilty of Peter Campbell's murder on the TV series Soap?

Jessica Tate

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A sitcom is on usually once a week, a soap opera is on usually five or six times a week.

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Of course not, because Dallas was not considered to be a sitcom.

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SOAP CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!!soap can kill you and you will be dead in 30 min if you sleep you will not be killed my name is TobeJackson and i was killed by soap.

Where to view the sitcom Soap?

tv series either at youtube or at american broadcasting corporation

Who was redheaded actress in 70's sitcom similar to Soap whose name was possible Mary-Louise?

You're thinking of Louise Lasser, the lead actress of the sitcom "Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman!".

WHo killed Peter Campbell?

Jessica was convicted, Chester later confessed but Peter was stabbed, then shot, then strangled, then suffocated, and finally bludgeoned so we always thought more than one of the Tate family went there to kill him. They showed him being stabbed then shot first so whoever did the last three finished him off.It's a parody of the silliness of all soap operas so it wasn't really supposed to make sense; just be funny.BTW, the picture above is not the right Peter Campbell. He was played by '70's and '80's heartthrob, Robert Urich, probably best known for his lead role in Spencer for Hire,

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