If you judge solely by subscribers and views, then anyone who has a YouTube account and has not uploaded any videos or other content, and who has no people that followed them, then they could be considered the "worst." Since everyone who has a Google account automatically has a YouTube account, there are possibly missions of people who are tied for the title of "worst YouTuber.
geeks united.
My favorite YouTuber is Unspeakableplayz because he is FUNNY and he did a vid of 100 days of impossible Minecraft was FUNNY
A youtuber called kaitlin who does vlogs, she also has a boyfriend who is called tom cassel " the syndicate project he is a very successful youtuber and gamer with nealy one million subscribers.
A YouTuber Who thinks he is cooler then Kool-Aid Man
geeks united.
he is a youtuber
Yes, Rae Knight is Youtuber 11
King0Fzombies is a epic youtuber who dose videos with his Friend GrantedRegent46 or MinecraftOwner
He is a Youtuber.
A YouTuber
A youtuber
He is a youtuber
Youtuber would be a good name.
The YouTuber, TheRPGminx, has been married to KrismPro since the 27 of February 2015.
My favorite YouTuber is Unspeakableplayz because he is FUNNY and he did a vid of 100 days of impossible Minecraft was FUNNY