"Mis nombres" means "my names" in English.
julia alvarez
Sus nombres son.
¿Cuáles son sus nombres?
"nombres de la familia"
Busca: To look for Los Nombres, names De los Amigos, of the friends. Look for the names of the friends. or, Look for the friends' names.
put your names on your skin
To express how Julia felt when they immigrated..
los nombres de mis padres son
Alberto Porlan has written: 'Los Nombres De Europa (Libros Singulares (Ls))' 'Luz del oriente' 'Los nombres de Europa' -- subject(s): Etymology, Geographical Names, Names, Spanish language
You can read "Names/Nombres" by Julia Alvarez in her poetry collection "Homecoming: New and Collected Poems." It is also available in various anthologies and online sources.