The two main characters in the movie the bucket list are Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
edward cole
The duration of The Bucket List is 1.62 hours.
A bucket list is a list of things that someone wishes to accomplish before they die.
The Bucket List grossed $93,466,502 in the domestic market.
Out of which characters? Out of all? That's quite a long list. There are hundreds of people named only once in the illiad. You're better off asking for the list of main characters and then everyone else is not a main character.
edward cole
The name of the trivia book in the bucket list is "Fifty Shades of Grey."
A "bucket list" is a slang term from a movie. It's a list one character made of things he wanted to do before he "kicked the bucket" or died. Sharing your list means you let someone else see your list and help you to do the things on it before you die.
Carter Chambers
Because it is the list of things you want to do or achieve before you "kick the bucket."
The Bucket List was created in 2007.
Another bucket list or a new bucket list, you choose.
The duration of The Bucket List is 1.62 hours.
A bucket list is a list of things such as activites that you are going to do before you die.
A bucket list is a list of things that someone wishes to accomplish before they die.
The Bucket List was released on 12/25/2007.
The Production Budget for The Bucket List was $45,000,000.