lorena gonzales who is now 19 years old moved down to a city Named coachella down baja California near calexiico
spm is the best at rappin he express what he has been through and inspires the children to stay out of trouble
Like a girl
South Park Mexicans (SPM) (Cheech and Chong) - "Mexican Thong Song"
SPM or South Park Mexican has no known "baby mommas" at this time. He has allegedly impregnated a young girl but as of right now it is just a big rumor.
youtube.com has some SPM videos
Spm wife is Helena her parents lives in front of my parents. Spm always went there to see his kids when they would be over there.
SPM's genre is rap. SPM stands for South Park Mexican. Born Carlos Coy in 1970. He is from Houston, Texas.
No. He even says in a song. "Im from the south east but I got love for the North" So probably not though.
If the girl pressed charges he would probably be put on trial because she is a minor and not legally allowed to have sex
spm lives in Houston Texas where my baby mamma lives.
Ya Got Trouble was created in 1962.