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Is a fictional band. But the song they are playing is by a indian singer his name is Mohammed Rafi

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Q: Who is the band playing at the night club in Heineken commercial?
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The Date: Samantha Rex from the Brooklyn-based indie rock band, The Attic Ends. The Entrance: Mette Lindberg from the Danish rock band The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.

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The Band is called The Asteroid Galaxy Tour. They are a Danish band. Ironically considering the date today, it was Amy Winehouse who heard a demo of theirs and brought them to attention on one of her tours.

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The band are actors lip syncing. The singer is from the New Zealand band 'Kora'.

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The song is 'the golden age' by Danish band Astroid Galaxy Tour, the singer is Mette Lindberg.

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yes to go to the bar, tavern, or pub on a normal night but not on a night where there is a live band usually you have to be 18+ to get in when there is a band playing

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What is the name of the song in the new Verizon commercial There is a crowd at a concert and everyone is holding up phones the band is made up of a girl on a synth and a guy playing drums Any ideas?

I think that is an AT&T commercial but the band is Mates of State. They are excellent.