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Q: Who is the American president stopped slave trade?
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Related questions

Which person stopped the slave trade?

The slave trade wasn't stopped by one person single-handed, it was a colaboration of reasons.

Where was the stop of the slave trade?

Who stopped the slave tradethe slave trade sropped in America. And then abollished in England and Pakistan. I think

Who stoped slave trade?

The slave trade has not been stopped - there are still slaves in parts of the modern world.

Why did the delegates decide to allow the slave trade to continue unhampered until 1808?

Stopped in 1908 because the slaves would vote for a random president.

What regulations were put on the slave trade?

what laws were put on the American slave trade

What brought an end to the transatlantic slave trade in Africa?

the slave trade stoped when Abe was president

What job did William wilberforce do?

He was a British polititian and he stopped the slave trade

When was the slave trade stopped?

your mama nah just kidding 1865

Who stop slave trade in Nigeria?

the abolition of slave trade in Nigeria was masterminded by the missionaries and liberated slaves who returned from sierra-leone By Mr. CLem Mordi C.

What could the world be like if slave trade was stopped?

Slave trading has been over since the late 1800's.

Who did the American slave trade involve?

Watch The Film !

Did Martin Luther King stop slave trade?

He didn't really abolish the slave trade as it was stopped in Nelson Mandala's year. but the Slave trade was partly stopped by him.I think you two are mixing up Civil Rights and Apartheid with slavery William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson had a lot to do with the abolition of slaveryhe didn't completely stop the slave trade he made it much easyer for black people to walk around and not get treated badly