they are both apparantly fan characters of srmthfg, razor being a demonic monkey and ebony being a angelic one, and some how they fell in love
they haven't created season 5 for SRMTHFG yet...T^T
Season 5 of srmthfg never aired, so it is impossible to see online or anywhere else.
i hear there's a rumor that there is a srmthfg movie coming out this year or next year but I'm a bit unsure.
Sign a petition. There needs to be a season 5!
I have! I've created 7 monkey's: Jessica, Blaze, Amanda, Chaos, Venom, Alana and Ivy. Oh yeah, and have you heard of Razor and Ebony kool, peaky
Ebony is a type of wood, but "Ebony" is Black.
SPRX-77, or Sparx as he prefers to be called, is the red monkey of the team. His position on the team is the Ace Pilot and is more often than not, cracking a joke or getting into a fight with the yellow monkey, and also the only female on the team, Nova. Through out the 4 seasons of srmthfg it is wondered if Sparx and Nova have a relationship going on. This is proven in the last episode Soul of Evil, but I won't spoil it for you. You can find episodes of srmthfg on youtube if you're interested.
There is no canonized saint named Ebony. Ebony is a type of wood, not a saint.
Ebony Bridges goes by Ebony "Ollie" Bridges.
Ebony is a type of wood.