Emma's real name is Peyton Roi List.
Peyton List's birthday is on April 6.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Some people will say Bella is prettier. Some people will say Peyton is prettier. Some people will say they are equally pretty.It is a matter of personal opinion. What one defines as "beauty" depends on how they were raised.Other than that, real men ignore the perception of physical beauty and focus on their mental beauty - their personality. Just because someone is appealing visually, it does not mean they make the ideal or a compatible partner.
Peyton List's middle name is Roi.
Peyton List was born on August 8, 1986.
Peyton List's middle name is Roi.
Peyton List was born on August 8, 1986.
Peyton List's middle name is Roi.
Peyton List from Jessie's birthday is on April 6.
Yes Peyton list does have a twin. She has a twin brother. 💗
yes peyton is better.