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Queen Victoria's husband Albert, who came from Germany saw the trees and bought the tradition to England. The origin of Christmas trees began in Germany in the 16th Century.

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Q: Who is credited with bringing the tradition of Christmas trees to GB?
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Who brought the custom of Christmas trees to America?

President Benjamin Harrison is credited with bringing the first Christmas tree to the White House. The tradition of the First Lady decorating the tree began with First Lady Lou Henry Hoover. Jacqueline Kennedy started the tradition of creating themed White House trees in 1961.

Why do you have Christmas trees for Christmas and not a different tree?

We have them to celebrate Christmas. It is a tradition from Germany.

Who is credited with introducing Christmas trees to Britain?

Prince Albert of England

What culture brought the tradition of Christmas trees to the United States?

THE GERMAN first brought the Christmas trees in UNITED STATES

Which country started the tradition of using Christmas trees?


What does Christmas trees have to do with Christmas today?

Nothing, really, if by Christmas you mean Christ's birth. The tree is a pagan tradition, appropriated by the Church in Europe and brought to North America.

First country was first to use tradition of Christmas trees?


Are there Christmas trees in Britain?

Christmas trees are very popular in Britain. Depending on which version you believe: Queen Charlotte is credited with the introduction of the first 'Christmas Tree' in the 1600s, as is Prince Albert in the 1800s.

Where and when did the tradition of Christmas trees originate?

they are because of the normans, the country they came from was Germany

Why do you put up Christmas trees up in America?

Because it is a tradition of course

What European country or culture started decorating Christmas trees?

Germany started the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree

What tradition at Christmas came from Germanic tribes?

The tradition of the Christmas Tree came from Germany and probably derives from pagan worship of certain trees in the area of the Black Forest.