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Clay Aiken.

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Q: Who is a gay pop star?
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Who was the first gay pop star?

Adam Lambert

Is george m gay?

British pop star George Michael is gay.

Is any country star Gay?

KD Lang, the country and pop artist from Canada, is gay/lesbian.

What pop star was shot dead by his father?

Marvin Gay btw he is not gay that's just his last name.

Is maddona gay?

On the stage when she kissed aguilara and spears but in the real life no I think she is cuz she said " I'm the mommy pop star and she's the baby star" but it was a about a wedding so yes she is gay

What if a pop star is not pop?

well if a pop star is not pop they are not a pop star there a singer

Is Jeffree Star gay?

Jeffree Star is Gay and awesome!

Where did the name pop star come from?

music is derived from pop culture, so a music star is therefore referred to as a 'pop star'.

When was Pop's Ultimate Star created?

Pop's Ultimate Star was created in 2007.

Does any pop star have Facebook?

YES nearly every Pop-star has Facebook

What is the duration of K-pop Star?

The duration of K-pop Star is -6600.0 seconds.

Where did the name Pop come from?

music is derived from pop culture, so a music star is therefore referred to as a 'pop star'.