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The very same people who invented kissing, and opposite-sex marriage. Two people that were in love.

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There is no single person who can be credited with inventing same-sex marriage. The concept of same-sex marriage has been practiced in various cultures throughout history, though it has only recently gained legal recognition in many countries.

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How do you Register your court marriage in delhi - Courtmarriageindianetin? offer Court Marriage, love marriage, arranged marriage, muslim marriage nri marriage, arya samaj marriage and inter caste marriage in delhi india. You decide it we get it performed according to the Hindu Law

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Why did Cleopatra marry Marc Anthony?

The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.The so-called marriage to Marc Antony was not a legitimate marriage. It was a marriage of politics or a blending of their political ideas. The term "marriage" was used in the broadest form of the word.

What is the universal symbol for marriage?

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