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William Kaufman who lived in New Jersey, invented the flip top box to be used for paper storage in press rooms. He tried to sell his idea but the day when his patent needed renewal, a cigarette company claimed the patent.

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Can't remember his first name, but his surname was O'Neill Dunne.

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Q: Who invented cigarette flip box?
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What it means when you flip a cigarette of a new box?

People who flip a cigarette upside down when opening a new pack believe that it will bring them good luck.

What is the name of the container for carrying cigarettes in?

Cigarette-case , carton , pack , humidor , flip-top box .

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The electronic cigarette was invented by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik in 2003 and introduced to the market the following year.

What box does the marijuana cigarette come in?

you haveto make it yourself from a normal cigarette

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a 360 shuv it and a kickflip invented by Rodney mullenknown as 360 flip trey flip and 3 flip

When were flip books invented?

The flip book was patented by John Barnes Linnet in 1868. However, similar devices known as "motion books" were created by others before this patent.

Where is the cigarette lighter fuse in a 2003 grand am?

it's in the fuse box , when you pop up the hood, unscrew the box, there is a sticker in the box that shoews which fuse is the cigarette ligther.

How much nicotene in Winston white box?

A Winston White box cigarette typically contains around 0.8mg of nicotine per cigarette.

When was the cigarette lighter invented?

in the 16th century

Where is the fuse for cigarette lighter located on 2002 Hyundai elantra?

In the 03 its to the right of the stering wheel behind the little flip box, but mine is still messed up had no fuse problems. No idea whaat to try next

Who invented hospital flip?

a doctor lol

Who invented the flip camera?

Jonathan Kaplan.