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Q: Who helped found the first American anti slavery society?
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Who was the first physician of the time and helped found the first American antislavery society?

charles carroll

What was the first black and white abolitionist organization called?

In 1833, sixty abolitionist leaders met in Philadelphia to create the American Anti-slavery Society, which was the first of it's kind.

Who was the Worlds first anti slavery society?

In 1775 the founding of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), the world's first antislavery society and the first Quaker anti-slavery society. no this isn't true, he tells bad lies

Who was leading physician of the time and helped found the first American antislavery society?

charles carroll

Leader of the Lane Rebels who wrote the powerful antislavery work American Slavery As It Is?

The leader was William Lloyd Garrison. He was an influential abolitionist and co-founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society. "American Slavery As It Is" was a publication that exposed the horrors of slavery through first-hand accounts and testimonials.

What role did William Wilberforce play in the abolition of slavery in the British Empire'?

He was an early leader of the movement to abolish slavery and helped found the Anti-Slavery Society.

Which founding father never owned a slave?

Benjamin Franklin helped start the first Abolitionist society in the United States, and always opposed slavery.

Who signed the declaration was a leading physician of the time and helped start the first American antislavery society?

Benjamin Franklin

Which of these men was a leading physican of the time and helped found the first american antislavery society?

no i can not anwser that thats why i asked

Which these men was a leading physican of the time and helped found the first American antislavery society?

no i can not anwser that thats why i asked

Who was the first white abolitionist?

The first white abolitionist was William Lloyd Garrison. He is the founder of the American Anti Slavery Society and led the white abolitionist movement in the North.

Who was a leading physician of the time and helped found the first American antislavery society and signed the declaration of independence?

Charles Carroll