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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: Who has the power to abolish the slave trade?
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Under the compromise of 1850 California was admitted as a free state and?

congress declared that it had no power to abolish the slave trade between existing slave states

Who tried to abolish the slave trade?

Thomas Clarkson

Why did it take so long to abolish the slave trade in Britain?

because of the money Britain was getting from the slave trade

When did England abolish the slave trade?

On the 25th of March 1807.

Why did the US abolish slave trade?

Abraham Lincoln got over 7500 people to protest against slave trade

Why did it take so long to abolish the slave trade in East Africa?

There are many reasons why it took so long to abolish the slave trade in East Africa. The main reason is that some of the people within the communities were benefiting from slave trade and were therefore slow to react.

How do you use the word abolished in a sentence?

William Wilberforce worked to abolish the slave trade.

What did David Livingstone think of slave trade?

He worked to abolish it, although never fully succeeded.

What did William Wiberforce fight for in the 1800s?

William Wilberforce was the leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.

How did Granville Sharp help to end slavery?

he and William wilberforce helped abolish the slave trade by keeping on at the parliament

How did thomas clarkson abolish the slave trade?

Thomas Clarkson researched a lot about the slave trade and then also joined a campaign to stop the slave trade. Both him and William Wilberforce, who were also good friends, worked about trying to solve the troubles of the slave trade. Thomas Clarkson also painted pictures so that people can see what it was like.

How many times did William WiIlberforce introduce to Parliament his Bill to abolish the slave trade?

Watch the movie "Amazing Grace"