The serial code is at the back of youre instructive booklet. its the long numbers on the top.
how to get online with pocket PC
If you go to the website in the related links section, there is a website where you can get a serial code for GTA IV.
Metal Slug Unlock Code
No. The Pocket PC OS is a custom version of Windows CE developed by Microsoft. It contains APIs and applications that are not included in Windows CE 3.0 itself. Likewise, Windows CE contains components that are not included in the Pocket PC OS.Pocket PC devices do not all use the same Pocket PC OS, either. OEMs who build these devices make custom versions of the Pocket PC OS to add features specific to their devices. Thus, a Pocket PC device from one OEM might include different applications or device drivers than a Pocket PC from another OEM.
If you go to the website in the related links section, there is a website where you can get a serial code for GTA IV.
If you go to the website in the related links section, there is a website where you can get a serial code for GTA IV.
The model name for the Compaq pocket PC is the iPAQ. The iPAQ is a pocket PC and was first introduced in April of 2000. The iPAQ utilizes Windows Mobile as its operating system.
Of course you can. You just have to have enough space on the drive and the serial code.
The name of the pocket PC which was unveiled in year 2000 was iPAQ. This pocket PC served as a virtual assistant kind of like Siri for the iPhone 4s and iPhone 5.
Toshiba Pocket PC is slower that HP, has less memory and is generally better. On the other it is cheaper then HP, so they are about the same value.