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Q: Who else was she seeing?
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Is she seeing someone else?


You think your boyfriend is seeing someone else?

Ask him, or follow him.

When i am not seeing him anymore why can't he answer if he is seeing someone?

because he still misses you or he hasn't found anyone else or he has found someone else but this person could be somone that you know or very close with.

How do you get a guy to ask you out when your seeing him so that he doesnt see someone else?

If your seeing him then why does he need to ask you out ? aren't you already together ?

How do you get your man back after he has walked out on you and the children and seeing someone else?

I guess I'd have to answer that question back with another question: Why would you want a man back after he has walked out on you and your children and is seeing someone else?

If your seeing a guy but kiss someone else is it over?

Only if he finds out.

How do i know if he seeing someone else?

you will know when he starts acting weird

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he needs a break and then when you are done with the break he wants to spend the rest of his life with you?

he was seeing someone else and he broke up with them just for you he was seeing someone else and he broke up with them just for you

If you have been kinda seeing this girl for about a month how can you tell if she likes you?

She likes you-or else she wouldn't even bother seeing you in the first place!

Do guys leave their girlfriend to be with someone else after they just had a baby?

no it usually is because they are seeing someone else or their scared of change.

What do you do when you have a girlfriend but like someone else who happens to be seeing someone?

You don't go there.

When does a wife stop supporting her husband?

When she loses interest in him and is seeing someone else.