Scrooge's nephew Fred (son of his sister Fan) believed that only Scrooge himself suffered from his ill whims. Scrooge was unable to dim Fred's enjoyment of the season or his goodwill towards his uncle.
Fred badly wants to have a loving relationship with is uncle and believes that Scrooge's 'Scroogy-ness' hurts Scrooge himself the most.
Scrooge's nephew said that Scrooge suffered the most from his own ill whims because they made him unhappy and disconnected from all the joy and warmth of the holiday season.
This depends on the legalities of the area you live in as well as the wishes of the mother/family.
He believed the mentally ill could be cured through galvanism. Giovanni Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani and the greatest supporter of galvanism.
Yes he suffered a stroke .
He believed the mentally ill could be cured through galvanism. Giovanni Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani and the greatest supporter of galvanism.
TC Steele suffered a heart attack, and then became ill and died.
He believed the mentally ill could be cured through galvanism. Giovanni Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani and the greatest supporter of galvanism.
Dorthea Dix was a very influential crusader for humane treatment of the mentally ill. She became a champion for the treatment of the mentally ill when she visited a jail and was appalled at the conditions the mentally ill women suffered.
Having just suffered a stroke he was to ill to go.
He was mentally ill and in an ill, panicked rage (he suffered from anxiety, hallucinations and delusions), he cut off part of his left ear lobe out of paranoia.
Half of the dead fell ill with radiation sickness. Those who fell ill suffered up to two weeks.