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Q: Who did Harriet Tubman leave behind when she escaped from slavery?
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Why is hariet Tubman brave?

Hariet Tubman was a very brave woman. She knew what was right or wrong and she was brave enough to know that god was with her and that she had her family waiting behind her back, and that they would always be with her.

Meaning and history of slavery?

There is no real meaning behind slavery than the obvious, that people have always enjoyed not having to do their own work. Slavery has been justified in a variety of ways from biblical times until now, the most common of these has been that slavery was accepted until fairly recently in history as an acceptable way to deal with the defeated after a battle.

Describe the importance of slavery to the civil war?

Slavery was a minor issue to the start of the war. It ranked behind state's rights, tariffs, unfair congressional representation, and unfair taxation as a cause. It became a little more important as the war progressed, but was never as important as the American people are led to believe.

Which two issues played the GREATEST roles in causing the Civil War?

Slavery, and far, far, far behind that States' Rights (primarily insofar as some states wanted the right to keep slavery legal). Really, it was pretty much all about slavery.This is not to say that there weren't sound economic reasons why slavery was such an divisive issue (it wasn't that people in the north were just nicer or more ethical than people in the south). But: THE issue was slavery and anybody who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

What are the details on the factors that influenced the Haitian Revolution?

The Haitian Revolution took place between 1791 and 1804. Slavery was the driving force behind it, and this movement is, to date, the only slave rebellion that led to the establishment of a new nation.

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What lessons can you learn from Harriet Tubman?

Tubman began as a slave who escaped to freedom, but instead of leaving other slaves behind she helped 300 people escape with the Underground Railroad. She had a head injury and that didn't stop her. All of her life she stood up for her convictions and her values. This is her lesson that if we can stand up for the things we believe in and do what is right our lives will have purpose and reason. Not to give up despite the hardships that life brings.

How did Harriet Tubman leave behind a legacy?

Harriet Tubman is an American icon due to her work with the Underground Railroad. She is an important part of American history.

What former slave was instrumental in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War.?

Former slave, Harrier Tubman was the driving force behind the Underground Railroad. She had escaped slavery and assisted slaves from the South to either Canada or parts of New England. She provided maps and other information to John Brown in his quest to start a slave revolt.

Did harriet Tubman start the underground railroad?

to free her friends and family from slavery she would never leave them behind she helped them to make them become free she wanted to do something about slavery so she decided to be an conductor on the underground railroad

Was Harriet Tubman a boy?

Harriet Tubman was a girl, she just changed her last name because she met this man named John Tubman and when they got married she was able to do things that she wanted to do not what other people wanted her do because back then she use to be on the 20 dollar bills none else except for the president. IT was so bad back then because people could not pick out what they wanted to eat and everyone if they would escape from slavery they would either wipe her or kill her. AS i'm watching this movie on Youtube that she did't want to respect the owner and he said that she needs to start respecting him or else he is going to wipe her and so when her father had came from behind her she had told him that she wanted to escape and her father said babe don't escape or else they are going to wipe youn

Did Harriet Tubman ever have any close calls?

Yes, she had MANY! Once she was on a bench and there was a WANTED poster up behind her and she thought fast and picked up a book next to her and pretended to read. She prayed to God that the book wasn't upside down.

What was the greatest danger that people who had escaped slavery faced once they were free?

After escaping slavery, people still faced numerous dangers, including: Recapture: Slave owners and slave catchers actively searched for escaped slaves and could capture and return them to slavery. Violence: Escaped slaves were often hunted down and subjected to physical violence or even killed by those who supported slavery. Discrimination: Once free, former slaves often faced discrimination and were denied access to basic rights and services, such as education, employment, and housing. Poverty: Many escaped slaves had few resources or opportunities, which made it difficult to support themselves or their families. Separation from family: Escaped slaves often had to leave their families behind when they fled, and were often unable to reunite with them after gaining their freedom. Overall, escaping slavery was only the first step towards freedom, and former slaves faced numerous dangers and challenges as they tried to build new lives for themselves. Despite these difficulties, many former slaves persevered and made significant contributions to their communities and to society as a whole.

Why did they have the underground railroad?

She was once a slave herself so she knew how it felt. She escaped but left her family behind. She swore she would go back for her family. She was brave. So, she successfully freed her family and 300 other slaves also. :) Hope i helped! :) -Michelle,<3

What was Harriet Tubman's life like as being a slave?

Harriet Tubman was a very brave woman, who helped free hundreds of slaves, no matter what the danger. They even made a forty-thousand dollar award for anyone that caught her dead or alive. But she still did not give up. She made a lot of journeys into the south, and they were all dangerous. The slaves were brought to the "Promised Land," and taken care of at the Harriet Tubman house. They were given water, food, clothes and shelter. Harriet helped blacks by freeing them and helping them with there needs. She was very brave to go back to the south. She even helped people when she did not have that much money herself because she never got the debt paid for what she did during the Civil War.Harriet Tubman was born in Bucktown, Maryland in 1820 or 1821, the exact date is not known, because slave births were not recorded, and she was born a slave. She did not go to school but was forced to work on the farm at a young age of six. Harriet's grandparents on both sides had been brought from West Africa tied up in chains.One day Harriet noticed a slave acting very weird then ran to the village to hide under a table. The slave owner ran after him and Harriet followed right behind. He grabbed the slave and walked outside. Seeing Tubman, he told her to take him back, but Tubman refused, she did not want to help beat up the slave. The slave tugged at his shirt, and got loose, the slave owner tried to catch him, but Tubman blocked his way the slave owner then threw a heavy weight at the slave, but missed and it hit Tubman; she fell down unconscious. Tubman was given to her mother to nurse back to health, she was, but she had a scar on her forehead that remained for life.A year after Harriet had been injured; Edward Brodess became sick and died. Brodess's slaves were worried; would families be separated from each other? Would they be sold to new owners? Tubman already had a sister and a brother that were sold to the south; they were taken away in chains, but they were sold to Dr. Anthony Thompson. Tubman's head wound had healed by now. Thompson hired her out to John Stewart.Tubman was put to work as a maid in the home of Stewart, but Tubman hated housework. She wanted to be outdoors working in forests and fields. Working at their home brought back memories of Miss Susan and the beatings she endured. Tubman asked Stewart if she could work in the fields, and he said yes. She worked with her father who cut lumber with a group of slaves.Stewart became very impressed by Tubman's work. He was so pleased that he allowed her to work for other slaves once she was finished with her work and charge them for her services. When Stewart brought guests to the farm he would show off Tubman's strength. Stewart would order a boat full of stones and Tubman would be tied to the boat like an ox. She felt sad and humiliated by these displays. It was worse than the beatings that she received from Miss Susan.Tubman heard a lot of talk about the Underground Railroad. She heard stories of whites helping blacks escape. Harriet did not believe it. Tubman did not know what to do next! Should she run away, and risk the dangers, or should she continue living a life of misery? Harriet decided she would postpone any of her plans to run off, one of the reasons was because she fell in love with John Tubman. He lived in a cabin near where she worked. John Tubman, like her, was a black as well. He was not a slave. His mother and father had been slaves. When his parents master died, his will declared that all of his slaves go free. That is how his parents gained their freedom, ever since he was born he was he was free. John was not like other blacks Tubman knew, he could write, and read, sometimes he even read stories to her.Harriet got married to John in 1844, when she was about twenty- three. The marriage did not change her status, she was still a slave. Being married only allowed her to sleep in her husband's cabin at night. Harriet got more and more curious about what made John Tubman free, what made her a slave? Harriet paid a lawyer to check her mother's records at the courthouse. The lawyer discovered the will of her mother's old master. It said that she would become the property of Mary Patterson when she reached the age of forty-five, and then she would be legally free; however Patterson died young and her mother was sold. Harriet and her mother should have been free but since too much time passed, the lawyer said no one would listen to her claim.Harriet soon began to feel that she was tricked into slavery. She kept thinking of plans to escape to freedom. Tubman told her husband her dreams of being free, but he laughed at her. He had no wish to go north; he was happy and free with his life. He had a roof on the ceiling, all the food he desired. And Harriet who loved him and was happy to share with him the little money she earned. Her plans to escape disturbed John, he said if she tried to leave, he would tell her master, and she knew what would happen. The news will pass on to every single slave holder, alarms will ring and posters will be hung. Even patrollers with guns and bloodhounds would try to track her down, if she was caught get ready for some harsh beatings. She was shocked that her husband was betraying her. But her mind was made up it only meant that she would keep her plans to herself.About five years after her marriage, the news spread that Thompson was going to sell some of the slaves but needed more money. Then came some news that Harriet hated; two of her sisters had been sold to a new slave owner. Tubman knew she could not wait any longer. She made three of her brothers to come with her on her journey to escape to the North. Late that night Harriet crept out of her husband's cabin and made a run for the woods. There she met her brothers their and guided them through the woods. They had not gone too far when suddenly they became frightened, that they would be discovered. Her brothers made her go back and then she realized she was not ready to go alone. Not long after they got back she learned that two of her brothers were sold to Southerners and she would be sold the very next day. She knew she must escape right away. This time alone without her brothers. That night she left the cabin again, with her a small package of food. She headed for the house of the white woman in Buck town who was known to help runaways. Harriet approached the door, her heart was pounding. She knocked and the woman was not surprised to see her and invited her in. The woman told her how to get to Pennsylvania. Harriet was deeply grateful to the woman for her help. Before leaving Tubman gave the woman her prized quilt. Harriet traveled through the woods. She felt certain the slave hunters would be looking for her. At daybreak she hid herself in a bush and at sundown she resumed out again.She found the house that was white described by the old woman. She knocked on the door, a smiling woman answered, and handed her a broom and told her sweep the yard, Harriet did not understand why she was being told to do this. She was supposed to help her get free, not put her back in slavery. Then she realized that this was a disguise. No one would suspect a lady sweeping a yard is a runaway slave. The next day she went into the woman husband's carriage and he covered her with blankets. He took her to the far side of the Camden. He told her that she should only travel at night. He also told her to travel north into the woods. Harriet did this by following the North Star. When the moon did not shine she looked on the tree for moss because moss grows on the north side of the tree which her father taught her. Harriet crossed the line from Delaware to the free country of Pennsylvania. She kissed the floor at the Pennsylvania sign. She was now free.Harriet settled in Philadelphia. She wanted the rest of her family with her. She got a job at a hotel kitchen and saved all her money she earned. Harriet found an anti-slavery group, and joined, and attended their meetings. She also found a committee that provided food, clothing, and shelter to runaway slaves.One day a man came from the anti-slavery group and said he needed help. He said, "AWoman's husband is a free black and the wife and children are going to be raffled off." "A local Quaker will transport the family from Cambridge, to Baltimore by ship." (Sullivan, George 49) But someone needed to take them from Baltimore to freedom in Pennsylvania. The visitor than mentioned the name of the free husband, John Bowley, Tubman's brother in-law. Harriet jumped to her feet and said that she would lead the family. The group argued with her they told her they are probably still is looking for you, and you're a runaway yourself. Harriet just told them I want to be a conductor. They realized they could not change her mind so they let her do it.Harriet led the family out of Baltimore; they hid in wagons and walked. At last they made it to Pennsylvania. Harriet was proud; this was now the beginning of her new career. Harriet became a conductor on the Underground Railroad and would free many slaves. She went back to Bucktown to get her husband, but to her surprise found another lady her house. Her husband John told her that he had a new wife and had no intention to go with her North. Harriet then took some other slaves and guided them north.Although her marriage to John was over, she still cared for him and was saddened to hear about his death; for he was murdered by Robert Vincent. Harriet continued freeing slaves and also her role of being a conductor.Harriet would earn all the money she made and keep it for her missions. She made a mission to the South only twice a year. On one of her trips she came to the door of the stationmaster as he usually helped her. She knocked on the door and no one answered she knocked a second time no one answered on the third knock someone peered out the window and asked her what she wanted, when Harriet asked for the stationmaster, he told her he had been arrested for helping runaways. Harriet was frightened that this man might suspect something so she took the runaway slaves to a swamp where she told them to stay. A while later a local Quaker came and told them that his horse was parked in the barn and they could use it. When they went to the wagon they could not believe there eyes, it was full of provisions. Harriet smiled and whispered thanks to Hashem for helping her. They made it to Pennsylvania, Harriet settled in Auburn, PA. While she was in her home she heard that her father had been arrested for helping another slave escape. Harriet knew that he would be severely punished if he was found guilty. She decided she was going to be free her parents next. She found their cabin and told them to follow her. Then she realized that her customers were big and strong and could walk far distances, but her parents were old and weak they could not possibly walk the whole way. So she kidnapped a horse and wagon and put her parents on and drove off with her parents. This was her last journey to the South before the Civil War. She was a sign of hope to any slave who would dream of freedom; she was the Moses of her people.Harriet had a troubling dream, a snake appeared and then it turned into a man with a white beard. One day a man came to town, Harriet looked at him and gasped, he was the man in the dream. His name was John Brown, and was raised in Ohio. He risked his life to guide slaves across the Ohio River. One day, Brown asked Tubman for help. He wanted to know the many routes she used to bring slaves out of Maryland the names of places where they would hide and the people who helped her. However, Harriet did not hear from Brown for a long time. She told herself that something was wrong. The next day in the papers it said everything. "John Brown and twenty men seized the U.S, storehouse for guns and ammunition at Harpers Ferry." (Sullivan, George. 77) The local militia soon attacked John Brown and his men them and they died. She applauded his great courage as long as she lived.Harriet went to Troy, while there she learned of a runaway slave by the name of Charles Nalle, he had been arrested and was found guilty. He was to be sent back to the South. Outside the courthouse the people filled the streets, some of whom were anti-slavery and the pro-slavery. Seeing that the crowd was not going to move, the policemen brought out Charles Nalle; his wrists were bound and had guards on the sides of him. Once he reached the bottom steps Harriet was there ready with a plan in mind. She grabbed Nalle and took him with her even though they both received blows to the head and was knocked down by the Marshals Harriet didn't care, she did not let go of Nalle. Nalle was put into a rowboat and Harriet and some others went to a ferryboat. The police were alerted and were waiting at the other end. Upon Nalle's arrival he was locked up in a house. Harriet and her followers came close to the house and threw rocks. Suddenly a black man broke out of the crowd and burst his way in the house, took Nalle and carried him outside. He was put in a wagon on his way north to Canada and freedom.Once the Civil War started the Union Army asked the citizens for help, Harriet was one of those who replied. She served as a nurse, scout, and a spy. When the North captured North Carolina Harriet tried to talk to the local blacks to get information and help them with their needs. She was a nurse and helped the white solders as well as black solders; she also helped black slaves that needed help.In 1863 Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation which allowed black troops in the Union Army. Also in 1863, she was asked to lead the troops behind the enemy camps. She reported all the information, she discovered. In the last few years of the war, Harriet watched the Union attack on Fort Wagner where many black soldiers died.Harriet was exhausted after all the years of war and helping slaves escape the south. She settled in Auburn; her parents looked to her for support. Harriet never got paid for what she did during the war. She asked a Senator to mention it for her, he did but debt was never paid. Sarah Bradford wrote a book on Harriet's life and gave the money, a sum of $1000 to Harriet. She used it to help blacks. She always remembered to give to those less fortunate than herself. "At the age of ninety-two she lay in bed." (Sullivan, George 76) Around 1913 Harriet Tubman died.A year after she died, they made a day in her honor. Bands played, flags flew, all in honor of her great courage. "Several notable people spoke, each hailed her for her achievements." (Sullivan, George pg. 112) Many buildings were named after her, dozens of articles and books were made of her. Artists painted her likeness. The Tubman house is still open to blacks that need help. They even made a stamp in her honor. Harriet Tubman really made a difference in the world.

What are the release dates for I Escaped Real Prison Breaks - 2011 Love Behind Bars 2-11?

I Escaped Real Prison Breaks - 2011 Love Behind Bars 2-11 was released on: USA: 11 October 2011

What were Lincoln's reasons for wanting to keep slavery out of the territories?

The basic reason behind the efforts of Abraham Lincoln to root out slavery was to strengthen democracy.

What freed slaves up north before the emancapation proclamation?

Nothing freed the slaves up north. If you were an African American born in the north you were free since the north did not condone slavery. However, if you were an escaped slave coming to the north the southern slave owners had the law behind them to go north and capture the escaped slaves. However some people in the north hid slaves and thus they were never captured Joh9356 --- This is not entirely true. "condoning or not condoning slavery" did not constitute a "law". There were no laws in the Constitution or Bill of Rights banning slavery at the federal level until the ratification of XIII amendment to the U.S. Constitution in Dec of 1865 banning slavery. That is what ultimately freed the slaves. So, prior to the "Emancipation Proclamation"(which was illegal by the way), slavery was still legal in the Northern states.