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the same person who created Samsung

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Dr Martin Cooper

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Q: Who created mobile phones?
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Related questions

When was Alcatel Mobile Phones created?

Alcatel Mobile Phones was created in 2004.

When was mobile phones discovered?

Mobile phones were never discovered. The mobile phone was created by a man named Dr. Martin Cooper.

What do other countries call mobile phones?

Mobile phones, mobiles, cellular phones, cellphones

How much money were mobile phones in 1945?

There were no mobile phones in 1945.

What phones are compatible with simple mobile?

Simple Mobile has a variety of phones on their website that are compatible with their service. Phones that are compatible with T-Mobile can also be used with Simple Mobile.

HOW fingerprint recognition through mobile phones?

Finger prints recognition's are carried out in mobile phones through embedded camera in mobile phones.

Mobile phones in business?

These are the smart phones, iPhones, and other advance mobile phones that has an internet connection.

Do t mobile sell you phones?

Yes, T Mobile sells phones.

Does Skype Make Mobile Phones?

No, they don't, but they do make apps for mobile phones.

Why were cell phones created?

Instant, portable, mobile communication, that connects to the worldwide phone system.

What are the challenges of wireless charging of mobile phones using microwaves?

because of using wireless charging mobile phones we can charge our mobile phones everywhere where we go.

Is there only home phones and mobile phones?

From what i know, yes. But there can also be work phones and family phones ect. But the 2 main phones are what you asked.(mobile and home)