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Q: Who brings letters?
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Who brings the letters?

Letters are delivered by postmen and postwomen. Each country has their own mail service.

When firm brings in reduced catch you have disasters?

F ? A ? C ? S (7 letters)

What brings you bad luck and first three letters are sat?

Letting a portrait fall.

What is a force that brings us good fortune that's 4 letters?


Role of postman in life?

The postman brings letters, parcels ,couriers.

Why do most children write letters to Jesus asking for Christmas presents than to Santa Claus?

That is their belief that Jesus brings the presents and good luck.

What to put in a scrapbook case?

you can put pictures, photos, messages, old letters anything that brings memories. A scrapbook is used for many things but the best thing to use it for is keeping memories.

What is selling stock at a price higher than the original purchase price brings the seller a capital?

It brings a capital gain.It brings a capital gain.It brings a capital gain.It brings a capital gain.

A number that has 5 letters?

Ah, a number that has 5 letters, isn't that a lovely little puzzle? Let's see, how about the number "three"? It has five letters and brings to mind images of gentle brushstrokes on a canvas. Just like painting, sometimes it's the simple things that bring the most joy.

Irrigation brings what to a farm?

brings water to the land

The respirtory system brings what into the body?

It brings oxygen to the body.

Who brings the gifts to Argentina?

The guests brings the gifts in argentina