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The Shichibukai (seven warlords of the sea) are seven pirates in One Piece who have sold their services to the World Government in exchange for immunity from most crimes. The group forms one of the three 'great powers', three forces of roughly equal fighting strength, alongside the marines, who they are allied (but not subordinate to) and the Yonkou (Four Emperors) four powerful pirates deadlockd against each other in the New World. The 'shi' in shichibukai means 'seven', and if a member leaves the group or is removed, a replacement is chosen.

The original shichibukai were:

Juracule Mihawk,

Gecko Moria,

Donquixote Doflamingo,

Boa Hancock,

Bartholomew Kuma,


Sir Crocodile

After Crocodile's defeat by Luffy and his crimes being uncovered, he was stripped of his title, and replaced by Marshall D Teach, aka Blackbeard.

At the war at Marineford, Teach defected, having only joined so that he could gain access to the great prison, Impel Down, to bolster his crew with a selection of powerful inmates. At the end, Moria was stripped of his title also, due to weakness. Jinbei had been imprisoned as he did not support the war against Whitebeard, he also formally gave up his title here, leaving the Shichibukai at 4.

During the timeskip, Trafalgar Law joined after presenting 100 pirate hearts to the goverment. Despite being significantly weaker than the other members, Buggy the Clown was invited to become one too. Various convenient (and accidental) circumstances had made him look much more powerful and influential than the World Government had originally assumed.

As of issue 700's count, the current Shichibukai are:

Juracule Mihawk,

Bartholomew Kuma,

Boa Hancock,

Buggy the Clown,

Trafalgar Law, though he may lose the title due to recent actions,

Donquixote Doflamingo, who faked his resignation, but might find it hard to hold onto the title due to recent revelations.

The last position is filled but the person is currently unknown.

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βˆ™ 11mo ago

The Shichibukai are a group of seven powerful pirates who work for the World Government in the anime and manga series One Piece. They are granted certain privileges and benefits in exchange for aiding the government in maintaining order in the seas. Members of the Shichibukai have their bounties frozen and are allowed to operate mostly freely within the world.

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Is doflamingo still a shichibukai?

As of the current issues, no he is not. His supposed resignation was apparantly a trick to fool Trafalgar Law, however since his defeat at the hands of Luffy (and the discovery of his secret activities), he has lost his throne and position on the shichibukai.

Who are the people in Shichibukai in Onepiece?

the seven shichibukai are Blackbeard, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock, Dracule Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo and Jimbei. There was also Crocodile but he was defeated by Luffy which I am quite sure is the position that Blackbeard filled.

Is gecko moria alive?

since the pilot episode 317 it is been said that 6(six)shichibukai will come to the great prison IMPELDOWN so they mean that gecko moria still will come except for JIMBEI coz he wants to revoke his rank as a shichibukai

Is Arlong a warlord of the sea in one piece?

No he is not. The seven 'shichibukai', or 'warlords' are government-sanctioned privateers. An old aquaintance of Arlong, Jinbei, was one of the shichibukai until he quit. However Arlong himself was simply a pirate captain with his own personal fiefdom, bribing a naval official to look the other way.

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Warlord as in the shichibukai? It is still unknown of who is the strongest or what all of their full abilities are. It is impossible to know who is strongest at this point in the story.

In One Piece who are the seven warlords of the sea?

The seven warlords of the sea, or shichibukai, are powerful pirates who have had their crimes and bounties absolved by the World Government, and now work for them. At the time the manga starts, they are, Juracule Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Bartholomew Kuma, Donquixote Doflamingo, Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock, Jinbei. After Sir Crocodile is defeated and his takeover plans discovered, he is dismissed from the Shichibukai, and is later replaced by Marshall 'Blackbeard' Teach. At current manga timeline, Jinbei is in disgrace, but not formally dismissed from the role, due to refusing to aid the Marines in the war against Whitebeard. Blackbeard seems to have gone rogue, but his status has not been revoked yet either. Gecko Moria is also dismissed, since Donquixote Doflamingo with at least 5 Pacifistas were ordered to assasinate him. The reason is that the marines think that Gecko Moria is too weak to be a Shichibukai. Gecko Moria is currently in a unknown condition, and the marines consider him KIA in the Whitebead war. He is last shown severly injured and close to dying. The newest shichibukai that are still active are: Donquixote Donflamingo Boa Hancock Barthemelew Kuma Dracule Mihawk Only 5 are currently active. Gecko Moria is near dead, Teach resigned, Jimbe was revoked, and so was crocodile. Chapter 659 revealed that Trafalgar Law became a Shichibukai at some point during the time skip.

What is the bounty of all shichibukai in one piece?

Monkey D. Dragon is considered the most wanted man alive so he has the highest bounty but the bounty was never revealed. The biggest bounty seen yet is Luffy's after the two year skip. He had a bounty of 400 million berries.

Why boa Hancock didnt come to straw hat crew?

She has her own duties and responsibilities on Amazon Lily, including being one of the Shichibukai and leading her people. She has no interest in exploring on the other side of the world.

Who defeated Crocodile in One Piece?

Sir Crocodile was the president of the secret criminal organization, Baroque Works, and the main antagonist of the Baroque Works Saga. He is the longest running primary villain of the series as well as the first villain to hand Luffy a complete and utter defeat. He was originally introduced as a Shichibukai but was stripped of his title after attempting to take control of the desert kingdom, Arabasta. Crocodile is usually mentioned when Luffy's reputation is mentioned, as defeating Crocodile was what caused the World Government to really start taking Luffy seriously. He is also commonly mentioned when the Shichibukai are mentioned. While he was introduced as a major enemy of Luffy's, the two formed an uneasy alliance during their escape from Impel Down.

Who are the 4 emperors in one piece?

the 4 emperors in one piece are: Whitebeard(died in war against navy so theirs 3 now) Red Haired Shankz(the one who saved luffy from that sea monster when he was 7 and lost his left arm) Big Mam(she hasn't appeared in the series yet, but she was believed to be the mother of Lola from thriller bark) and last but not the least Kaidou(who battled gecko moria once. It is interesting to note that after the timeskip, the phrase 'Yonkou' (four emperors) is still used, possibly hinting that Blackbeard is now considered one of them. However in the word 'shichibukai', the 'shichi' means '7', and the word is still used even when there were less than 7 active members, although new members were sought out when this happened.

How old is Franky from One Piece?

Franky is the shipwright for the Straw Hat Pirates. He is a 34 year old cyborg from Water 7, and was introduced in the story as the leader of the Franky Family, a group of ship dismantlers. He is also so far one of the two "true" cyborgs so far shown in the series, with the other being the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma, and was the first one to be introduced. He was originally named Cutty Flam until he threw away his original name for his nickname per the request by Iceburg to hide his identity. Franky and followers were originally introduced as antagonists against the Straw Hats until circumstances forced them to become allies. Per the request of the Franky Family, Franky was allowed to join the Straw Hats to fulfill his dream. He is the eighth member of the Straw Hat crew and the seventh to join Luffy's crew. He is also the second member to have been a former villain (the first being Nico Robin).

Who are the important people died in one piece reguarding Luffy?

The first important person that ever died in the story of one piece is Gol D Roger. He is the king of the pirates who left his treasure in the sea and encouraged the pirates to go out and look for it. It was then the start of the age they called the golden age of piracy. Recently, the other important person who died is Portgas D Ace, the brother of Luffy (very complicated story but he was truly the son of Gol D Roger). He was captured by Blackbeard, a former crewmate of Ace and became a member of the Royal Shichibukai due to capturing Ace, and Ace was imprisoned by the marines. He was scheduled to be executed but a war broke between the marines and the Whitebeard Pirates. During the war, Ace was killed by one of the Admirals, Admiral Akainu right in front of Luffy. Luffy already knew that his big brother known as Fire Fist Ace was the son of Gol D. Roger. Luffy wasn't really his brother because he and Ace were different families but Luffy's Grandpa was like a grandfather to Ace. Their grandpa always wanted them to be great marine leaders or something extraordinary part of the marines. But his grandsons rebelled, they wanted to be King of the Pirates just like Ace's father Gol D. Roger.