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They rape little kids.

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Q: Who are pedofiles?
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What happens if you recommend people?

they bcum pedofiles for life

Disadvantages of social networking?

- Viruses - Pedofiles - dont know who your talking to

Why is networking risky?

Because of pedofiles pretending to be people and can kill you or identity theives

What is the currancy of Chile?

chilese dollar from james allen come all pedofiles to him

Why the pope protects the pedofiles?

simply because they are still human. They also have life that needed to be protected.

What are three disadvantage of social networking?

you can meet bad people- Viruses- Pedofiles- dont know who your talking to

Why do your parents say no to you if you want a facebook when your only ten?

because they think that pedofiles will track you via facbook

Who made the second largest class of people?

pedofiles. e.g. jimmy savil, bobby wang and ainsly harriot.

Is a 10 year old too young for msn hotmail?

Yes, becaus you never know what could happen...and there's a lot of pedofiles out there and the child could give the person the address and they could do anything with it

What is the danger of using Facebook?

well there hav been many pedofiles and strangers people have talked to. on the new there has been a lot of things what hav happend on facebook. Also many people have put personal and private things on there and they have been commented on then that person is the talk of his/her friends who saw it...

Who made up the second largest class of people?

The second largest class of people were the nobility, who were part of the upper class and held significant power and influence in society. They were typically landowners with hereditary titles and privileges.

Is there a website for 13 year old dating in England?

If there is, i wouldn't recommend going to it. Stalkers, rapists, pedofiles, and all sorts of people go to dating sites just looking for a quicky. But, if you think you do find someone you like and have made plans with them from said dating site, bring a friend or two along to be safe, because you never know...