it's called vaginal discharge. it's what comes out when your body "cleans out" the inside of the vagina. it's very normal.
Yes, because the discharge is largely from vaginal secretions. So, if she has a vagina, then she will have discharge.
It doesn't have to be white, it can be clear and that's normal. Discharge maybe white, stringy, clear, cloudy white and/or yellow when dried on clothing.
That is an infection, You should have white,creamy discharge NOT yellow or green discharge. I would get that checked out at the docter
Menstruation results in the discharge of the uterus lining, consisting of blood and tissue.
The word root for leukorrhea is "leuko-" which means white and "rrhea" which means flow or discharge. So, leukorrhea refers to a white or yellow vaginal discharge.
All women release white discharge, depending upon where they are in their cycle. As a symptom on its own, this doesn't indicate pregnancy. However, during pregnancy there will be an increase in vaginal discharge.
You will havea white/yellow/clear discharge it is just flushing out anything in the piercing. It's just a sign of healing.
Possibly gonorrhea. Gonorrhea tends to have yellow and white discharge. If it smells especially bad, go see a doctor. If you are recovering from a surgery, you could possibly have puss leakage, which is natural. If it is coming from a cut, see a doctor.
It is normal for a woman to have some yellow or white discharge. The amount of discharge is affected by the woman's cycle. Also, as a woman becomes aroused she will have a release of discharge as well. This is all perfectly healthy and normal as long as there is no foul smell coming from her vagina which could signal an infection.
Normal discharge varies for each woman. Generally, slightly yellow, white, and clear discharge is normal. The color and consistency of discharge can change depending on where a woman is in her cycle. However, if yellow discharge is abnormal for you, it could be a sign of infection. Bacterial vaginosis is most commonly associated with a yellow or green colored discharge and can also cause some itching around the vaginal area. It is important to make an appointment with your doctor to be properly diagnosed, as some infections require antibiotics.
It is excreted through the vagina.