Menorrhagia means abnormally heavy or long menstrual period. A related term, metrorrhagia, means excessively frequent periods.
Menorrhagia means abnormally heavy or long menstrual period. A related term, metrorrhagia, means excessively frequent periods.
Menorrhagia means abnormally heavy or long menstrual period. A related term, metrorrhagia, means excessively frequent periods.
Well, the menstruation starts at the age of 12-13 in girls. The term for onset of menstruation is menarche .
Thyrotoxicosis describes an abnormally high functioning thyroid that is causing toxic effects.
The terms which describes this is menarche. Its the onset of menstruation . The average age is 11-12 years.
Ovulation is the term for the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Menstruation typically occurs two weeks later.
The term for first menstruation is menarche.
The term menarche describes onset of menstruation. This is usually charachterisic of age 12 or 13.