I know that Jehovah Witnesses don't because my aunt and uncle used to be Jehovah witnesses but they no longer believe in that religon. Muslims, moreover, don't celebrate birthdays.
no unfortunetley they dont celebrate birthdays
they dont
same thing except they do their own religios dance or watever
obviosly, they celebrate birthdays but they do it with a lot of alchocol!
We celebrate most Christian religious holidays like Christmas & Easter. We also celebrate birthdays ( I only say this because I know some religions and/or cultures dont celebrate birthdays) We also celebrate White Sunday which is a Sunday dedicated to celebreating our children. At church on White Sunday the children basically conduct the service and act out plays, sing songs and perform dances for the congregation. I think I've covered your question, but apologies if Ive missed out some.
They don't. They only celebrate 15th birthdays, which is a quinceanera.
In Bulgaria in place of Birthdays we celebrate.. birthdays. We also have the so called nameday (saint day), but both birthdays and namedays are celebrated.
Guruprabs is the name of the festival which celebrate the birthdays of Sikh Gurus.
im not a dictionary stupid that is not an answer I read that some countries in Africa do not celebrate birthdays
No, they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses, they didn't celebrate birthdays or Christmas when they were young.
Bermuda celebrates birthdays by eating cake