Abraham Lincoln completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories.
Martin Van Buren
Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet
The Republicans
Abraham Lincoln completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories.
Abraham Lincoln completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories.
Martin Van Buren
The president that supported annexation was James K. Polk.
They feared it would make John C. Calhoun a strong Presidential candidate.
John Bell, a Southern politician and former presidential candidate, was initially a supporter of slavery and states' rights. However, he later opposed the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. Bell advocated for compromise as a way to preserve the Union and prevent the Civil War.
Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan endorsed popular sovereignty giving the power to determine the legality of slavery to the inhabitants of the territory seeking statehood, rather than to Congress. The Republican Party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories.
Political analysts "infer" that Republican presidential candidate Andy Martin is opposed to same-sex marriage.
The Free-Soil Party opposed the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. The Free-Soil Party did not have a candidate in the 1860 election. The new Republican Party was founded replacing the Free-Soil Party. In the 1860 election the Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln with a platform that promised not to interfere with slavery in the states, but opposed the further extension of slavery into the territories.
Incumbent President Richard Nixon won reelection in the 1972 presidential election defeating George McGovern.
President Richard Nixon was the Republican candidate for President in 1972. The Democratic candidate was George McGovern, a Senator from South Dakota.