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The introduction paragraph

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Q: Which paragraph includes the hook and the thesis?
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Which of these elements should be included in the introductory paragraph of any explanatory essay?

The hook and the thesis statement

What are two parts of the introduction paragraph?

the thesis, and the hook

Which paragraph should include the hook and the thesis?

The introductory paragraph should catch the readers eye and have a strong thesis statement.

The hook and the thesis statement make up the?

Introductory paragraph.

What are the two components of the introduction paragraph?

The hook and the thesis statement. APEX^ ^

What should the thesis statement in compare and contrast essay do?

It should strike a balance between contrast and comparison. ******* introduction paragraph that includes a hook to grab your reader's attention and a thesis statement that introduces the comparison and contrast and its purpose.

Where does a thesis statement belong in an introduction paragraph?

They are supposed to be at the end. If write an introduction, they are supposed ti be the last sentence. Never have a thesis statement has a starting sentence; that would be very wrong of you!

In an essay the paragraph contains the thesis statement the consists of paragraphs that support the thesis statement and the paragraph wraps up the argument and includes?

Introduction; Body; Concluding

Where is the topic sentence in a two chunk paragraph?

Topic sentence and controlling idea

What type of paragraph provides context for the reader and includes the thesis statement?

This information is usually in the introductory paragraph.

List several things that every good paragraph should contain?

A good paragraph should have one main thesis sentence. All sentences should pertain to that one thought. All sentences should be complete. The paragraph should convey one main point.

Is there a hook in a thesis statement?

no there is not a hook in a thesis statement.