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heart or lung

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Q: Which organ is damaged if you eat too much fat?
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Which organ is most affected if you eat too much fat?

The Heart

Will you get fat if you eat popcorn?

if you eat too much you will get fat.

Does mashmellow get you fat?

yes if you eat to much. get the reduced fat ones there better for you but can still get you fat if you eat to much

Is it true that if you eat too much you get fat?

Yes it's true that if you eat too much you get fat.

What will happen if you eat to much?

you will get fat

What will happen if they eat to much?

They will get fat.

Can you eat fat when you have typhoid fever?

Yes. You can eat the fat in typhoid fever, as much allowed to you when you were healthy.

Are cats fat?

if they eat to much or have a disorder

Who is fat?

People who eat too much.

How much fat should you eat a year?

as much as u can

What if you eat too much fat?

You are what you eat is the most simple answer here

How much cake can one little fat boy eat?

well they can eat eat a piece of every cake imaginabla that's why they are fat:)