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Q: Which of these was in high demand as slavery became an exclusively Southern institution and farms grew in size?
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How did slavery start in the southern colonies?

Slavery began in Virginia and Maryland on tobacco farms. Slavery became more and more important as farms became bigger. That divided the Southern whites into two classes.

The institution of slavery became even more entrenched in the south because of the increasing importance of what?

Short-Staple Cotton

How did the institution of slavery change in the 19th century where did it move?

The interstate slave trade flourished when cotton became popular among the colonies.

Why did the south state favored slavery?

Slavery meant a cheap labour force for their large plantation bases economy.Slavery was legal when the United States was formed. The southern states became dependent on slavery for cultivating, especially harvesting cotton, when the cotton gin was invented. Because the southern states suffered financially with international debt more than the northern states it was an economic issue that turned into a moral issue.

How did slave rebellions affect slavery?

How did slave rebellions affect slavery? Well, it forced the slave owners to use more punishment for disapproved behavior from slaves. They also got more laws passed to protect their "peculiar institution." They used it as an example of why the colored peoples were inferior and therefore needed to be controlled. It became a political issue nationally. Attention given to the slave rebellions and the retribution given to those involved created much fervor in the Northern abolitionist movements. As people became more aware of what the institution of slavery had become in the South, they began to a social outrage toward slavery. The argument would solidify the differences between the two regions and lead to the Civil War.

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What high demand as slavery became an exlusively southern institution and farms grew in size?


What happen to the institution of slavery as slaves became more valuable and as northern oppositon to slavery grew more vocal?

The institution of slavery became much stricter. The south demanded a federal slave code, the annexation of Cuba, and the reestablishment of the African Slave Trade.

How did slavery start in the southern colonies?

Slavery began in Virginia and Maryland on tobacco farms. Slavery became more and more important as farms became bigger. That divided the Southern whites into two classes.

What happened to the institution of slavery as slaves became more valuable and as northern opposition to slavery grew more vocal?

In response to growing northern opposition to slavery, slave states tightened their slave codes and prohibited any type of emancipation whether voluntary or otherwise. Southern abolitionists found their voice taken away from them, and the southern slaveholder grew increasingly paranoid.

The institution of slavery became even more entrenched in the south because of the increasing importance of what?

Short-Staple Cotton

What is a fact about Southern slavery?

One of the most important facts about slavery in the South in the antebellum period was that the large Southern plantations depended on slave labor to run them. Because of this dependence, slavery became a fact of life in the South.

How did the institution of slavery change in the 19th century where did it move?

The interstate slave trade flourished when cotton became popular among the colonies.

How did slavery influenced sectionalism?

Northerners became more opposed to slavery on moral grounds and for financial reasons, and Southerners defended it more and more as an institution, in large part because their economy was almost fully dependent on slavery.

Did slavery existed only in the Southern Colonies?

No. Slavery also existed in the Northern colonies before and after the American Revolution. It became less common by 1790 in the north.

Did the eleven southern states leave because Abraham Lincoln became presindent?

Yes. Abe did not want slavery

What was the Southern response to the ideas of banning slavery in the US territories?

Southern plantation holders were appalled at the idea that that slavery would be banned in the US territories. They realized that as the territories became States and continued their anti slavery positions, the South would became an even smaller group of slave holding States. In turn, this could lead to the abolition of slavery nationwide. They were correct in this assumption. Most Americans were against slavery. In the days of antebellum, their Congressional response was the passing of the Missouri Compromises.

How did the institution of African slavery evolve?

The institution of African slavery evolved through a combination of factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the demand for labor in the Americas. Initially, Africans were enslaved by other Africans, but the transatlantic slave trade facilitated the mass transportation of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations. This system of forced labor became entrenched in the economies of European colonies and later the United States, shaping the institution of slavery as it is known today.