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A government agency

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Q: Which of these sources of an anti-cigarette ad is the most reliable?
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What is a known and reliable ad blocker?

There are many well known and reliable ad blockers on the market. One of the best is called Ad Block. It costs about twenty bucks a year, but it is a great program.

What year did boudicca revolt?

Most sources say 60 AD, a few say 61 AD. It's best to say 60-61 AD as we can't be sure of how long the revolt lasted.

What does ad fontes in English?

It means "to the sources"

What do ad fontes means in English?

To the sources; to the roots.

What does ad fontes mean in English?

It means "to the sources"

Was Robin Hood AD or BC?

AD. Specifically any time from the 12th to the 14th century, depending on sources.

True or false determining the source and motive of an ad for heath product will help you decide weather the ad is reliable source of heath information?

True (apex)

Who us the girl in the Honda reliable ad?

Abigail Marlowe. She was the Britta fan on Community and does a lot of commercials.

When did Queen Boudicca die?

Some sources indicate that she was 32 (29 AD - 61 AD) She reportedly poisoned herself after the Battle of Watling Street. Others note an age of 37 (25 AD - 62 AD* but this is not considered an accurate date for the battle).

Where are people most commonly buying media online?

Media can be purchased from a variety of different online sources. Some of these websites include Ad Buy, Koeppel Interactive and Overdrive Interactive.

What are some example sources of web traffic?

One example is to generate targeted traffic to your site is solo ad, email solo ad, and classified, etc.

What is the minimum Facebook ad cost?

The minimum cpc for facebook ad is 0.01 cents.